Our Coffee

Thriveni Brooklyn Estate

How do we differ ?

Thriveni Brooklyn Estate has an edge over other estates coffee in terms of quality and quantity because of its prime location on the green hills, situated at an altitude between 4000 to 4500 feet above mean sea level and the elevation is highly suitable for the high grown coffees.The terrain of the land is almost flat with a gentle slope ideal for coffee plantations. The climate is almost lower than other parts of the hills due to the intense inter-cultivation with Mandarin Orange (Citrus reticulata), Dadaps (Erythrina indica) and Silver oak (Grevelia robusta) top cover. This keeps the plantation cool and green in the summer months. Situated in the tropical region between the Equator and Tropic of Cancer, the climate and rainfall pattern are perfect for this Master Piece. This shade grown coffee is definitely popular the world over.

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Area & Quantity of Coffee

In this sprawling 200-acre property, coffee is the King, grown with due respect – giving the best inputs from premium companies of the world. The coffee harvested here shows high productivity. Yields of 100 to 120 tons of coffee have been recorded over the years. The demand has been growing over the years.

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Varieties of Coffee

The varieties grown on the estate vouch for its quality. Premium quality coffee seed were procured from the best coffee estates in South India with the help of the Coffee Board of India and few planter friends and planted in a sequence, experimenting every time to produce the best coffees of the world.

The Chandragiri, christened today was a tradition way back in the estate, taking seeds from the trials conducted in different zones by the Central Coffee Research Institute, before releasing a variety. It is a inbreeding from a line of coffee called Villa-de-Sarchi, which is known the world over for its quality coffee. Few coffees from neighboring estates have been incorporated known for its high yield like the NADAR Coffee, which is the HRC (Hawaian Red Cuturra), a very popular coffee strain in the world. The Selection-9 released by the CCRI has been cultivated overwhelmingly all over the Sheveroys and not to mention its abundance in Thriveni Brooklyn Estate.

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